2019年11月23日 星期六

香港樓市分析 16 隻肥牛之後......(二)

                    到了文章下半部分,就是利用這個框架為未來樓市作預測。一如以往我們先要檢驗樓市是否處於泡沫水平及泡沫有多大。這裏我用了三個指標。第一,瑞銀環球房地產泡沫指數(UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index)(Picture 9).
(Picture   9)

該指數由瑞銀透過不同數據整合出一個指標來反映全球不同地區樓市的泡沫程度,從Picture 9可見,2019年香港的泡沫指數為1.84 ,全球排第三。該指數高於1.5 就等於該區樓市已到泡沫水平。而該數字於2018 年更高達到2.03.第二,樓價佔家庭入息中位數比率(Picture 10)。
(Picture   11)

該數字為20.9 倍,為全球之冠。第三,按揭供樓負擔比率(Picture 10)。該數字為74%,已貼近97年85%的水平。
(Picture 12)


                                                             當樓市已達泡沫水平,令它轉向負循環還需要破壞性震蘯(Adverse Shock).這個因素最難評估,因為震蘯可以出於不同原因。可以是政治,本國緊縮貨幣政策帶來的經濟衰弱以至外圍經濟風暴。而我預期美國經濟衰退成為今次最大可能的震盪因素。問題是要精準預測美國何年何月步入衰退甚為困難,但要評估美國經濟進入晚期階段(Late Cycle)仍是有跡可尋。第一,看美國國債利率曲線(Yield Curve)(Picture 11)。
(Picture   11)

如果利率曲線出現倒掛(Inverted), 代表10年期減去2年期的國債利率差為負數,這個指標都成功預視過去5次歷史上的衰退,而平均出現訊號後發生衰退時間約20個月(Picture 12)
(Picture 12)

而這個訊號已於19年9 月出現,表示21年5月美國有機會步入衰退,當然這訊號可能會出現誤差,誤差可達一年。第二,經濟數據反映現在周期已到過去周期頂峰的水平。初領失業救濟金人數(Initial Claim) (Picture 13)已大大低於過去經濟頂峰的水平, 再下跌空間已不大,如果將來見底上升,很大機會預示衰退來臨(灰色的時間為衰退)。
(Picture   13)

消費者信心指數(Conference Board Consumer Index)(Picture 14) 亦升至過去經濟周期頂峰的水平,將來再突破向上的機會及空間也很小。
(Picture   14)

第三,美國現在的經濟擴張已經持續了120個月(Picture 15)
(Picture   15)

已打破歷史上最長的擴張紀錄,比90-00 年代的黃金時期還要長。試問這紀錄還可以延續多5-10 年機會可以有多大?

                    當樓市已泡沫化及破壞性震盪(2021 美國經濟衰退)出現後,現在就嘗試推演樓市怎樣進入下跌週期。當美國進入衰退,香港當然亦受牽連,"有咁耐風流就有咁耐折墮"這個梁錦松的金句又可再搬出來用。這次角色又再一次調轉,今次美國經濟經過08年大衰退之後變得穩健,樓市已回落至合理價錢,而家庭經過10年的去槓桿化後,財務已達安全水平,相反,香港經濟由於08 年開始進食美國的大補品(QE加Zero Interest rate),家庭不斷舉債,樓市出現泡沫。由於今次美國經濟衰退預期比08年那一次輕得多,樓市,家庭負債及銀行亦沒有出現危機,所以相信再不會出現上一次那麼大規模的QE,雖然利率仍很大機會減至接近零。此外,中國經濟因近十年過度舉債,當年4 萬億的刺激方案亦相信不會重現。最後,本地經濟活動因美國衰退而疲弱,令香港進入通縮,而通縮令真實利率回升至正數(假設美國利率為0減去通脹率-2至-3%等於+2至+3%的真實利率),前兩者令樓價下跌及家庭減債。這樣又回到三個因素互相影響的惡性循環。美國衰退(震盪)出現,經濟開始疲弱——由負轉正的真實利率——樓市下跌——經濟再疲弱......

                  最後總結:預期今次香港樓市下跌周期及幅度沒有97年那次這麼慘烈,因97年那一次美國經濟正如日方中,香港則有大問題,我們當時被逼跟隨她加息,令經濟及樓市萬劫不復。但今次是雙方都衰,只是美國是小衰,香港是大衰,大家同一方向所以她的貨幤政策依然對香港有刺激作用,只是力度不及08年那一次那麼大規模。任何假設,埋論分析都要經過批判性思維(Critical thinking)驗證。這裏批判的意思不是批判別人,而是批判自己的思考,所以在最後我提出兩點預測出錯的潛在因素。第一,美國經濟比想像中更強韌,擴張周期再延續多5-7年。第二,現時的政治環境成為破壞性震盪,令樓市頂峰早已出現。

香港樓市分析 16 隻肥牛之後......(一)

      舊約聖經創世紀中有一個故事。埃及的法老王發了一個夢,夢見尼羅河上有七隻體肥牛,然後又看見七隻瘦牛出現;接着,七隻瘦牛竟把肥牛吞下;之後,法老王找了一個名叫約瑟的希伯來少年解夢,指七頭肥牛被七頭瘦牛吞噬,預示埃及在享受七個豐收年後將出現七個荒年,法老應當早作準備。法老聽信約瑟的說話,在豐收年大力儲存糧食,果然令埃及避過一場嚴重饑荒。這個故事告訴大家,由古時起很多事物都有它的周期,包括所有金融資產如是。香港樓市從03 年起已經歷了16隻大肥牛,瘦牛必定會重來,問題是何時到來。這篇文章就是嘗試解構這隻肥牛及預測瘦牛何時再臨。在文章分析之前,我先提出結論,香港樓市將於2022 年迎來瘦牛,下跌幅度超過30%及時間持續超過一年。

                        在預測香港樓市的熊市何時再臨之前,這裏先分析樓市周期怎樣運行。在此我借用了IMF 一篇關於樓市的報告內的一幅圖(Picture 1) 來解釋樓市周期的運行。
(Picture 1)

在樓市上升周期中(圖的左方),寛鬆的貨幣環境(低真實利率 Easy financial condition)帶動家庭在房屋財務上槓桿(leverage)的意慾,從而提升房價,繼而令經濟活動(Good Economic performance)暢旺,而經濟增長同時加上通脹上升,反過來又令真實利率下降(關於真實利率方面在文章下半部分再分析),又再刺激樓價上升。這樣令樓市形成一個正循環。當樓市上升至泡沫階段,遇到一個破壞性的震盪(Adverse Shock) 或者簡單來説是催化劑(Catalyst), 就會令這個正循環打破,轉向負循環或惡性循環(圖的右方)。97-03 年的香港樓市正正是負循環的例子,銀行收緊信貸,百業蕭條和失業率上升。

                            解釋了泡沫及震蘯性破壞之後,另一個影響香港樓市很重要的因素:金融狀況(Financial Condition).由於香港的貨幣制度為聯繫滙率,不同其他國家有自主的貨幤政策,它受美國的貨幤政策影響極大。從而影響香港的真實利率(Real Interest Rate)的上落及樓市周期。金融狀況可以包含幾種要素,包括利率水平,銀行放貸的鬆緊或儲蓄金比率的調控等,但這裏我最主要重點分析香港的真實利率,因為宏觀經濟層面上,它最直接影響香港樓市的周期。在這裏先釐清一些坊間説法,很多人説因為現在按揭息率低,所以刺激樓價上升。但這個説法並不準確,可以看看香港90年代的按揭息率平均高達8-10%(Picture 2).

(Picture 2)

對比現在供款的水平高很多,但90 年代香港樓市仍然有爆炸性的升幅。背後原因是他們誤解了真實利率及名義利率。真實利率=名義利率(即你向銀行借貸或存款的息率)- 通脹率。從歷史的真實利率(這裏用存款利率減去通脹率)與樓市關係所見(Picture 3),
(Picture 3)

在90-97 年及08 至19 年,這段期間真實利率處於負水平,令樓市進入急速的上升周期。背後原因為市民將錢存放於銀行,存款購買力會漸被蠶食,所以鼓勵存戶將存款將存款投放樓作保值。

                            在上一篇解釋了我所用的分析框架之後,現在就應用以上框架來解釋97 年及現在樓市的泡沫怎樣受美國貨幣政策及經濟活動影響。等讀者更容易掌握香港樓市過去的周期怎樣運行。97年時,香港樓市已升至泡沫水平,而亞洲金融風暴成為泡沫爆破的破壞性震蘯,但令樓市進入長期熊市(Picture 4的圖表為中原地產指數)的深層原因是美國的貨幣政策及美元。
(Picture 4)

97 年香港經濟開始走向衰退,經濟增長從約7-8%急跌至一年後-8%(Picture 5)

(Picture 5)

以當時情況來講,急需要寬鬆的貨幣政策(減息)來刺激經濟,但此時翩翩美國的經濟欣欣向榮,99 年還開始進入加息周期(Picture 6),

(Picture 6)

加上美元(指數)亦進入上升周期由95升120,更加令香港面對嚴重通縮(Picture 8),
(Picture 8)

現在先為97年樓市下跌來個小總結。當時名義利率(Nominal Interest Rate) 上升(美國加息)- 通脹率下跌(由於美元上升加上本地需求疲弱)= 真實利率急升(由-2%升至+10%看回Picture 3).再重溫之前IMF 的圖表(Picture 1) 裏右方惡性循環的三個要素,Tight Financial Condition(急升的真實利率及銀行收緊信貸),Decline in Economic activity(嚴重經濟衰退),Housing Sector (樓價下跌及家庭減債),三個因素相互影響之下令香港樓市進入長達6年的熊市。

                         上一段我示範了怎樣運用了文章開頭那個分析框架(正負循環)來解釋97-03年樓市的下跌周期,現在我再用這方法去分析09年開始到現在的上升階段,但為何跳去03 到09年,因在我看來這段期間的升幅是一種估值回歸(Valuation mean reversion)的表現,即簡單來說,當一項資產價格跌到"蔗渣的價錢,燒鵝髀的味道"水平,它的價格自然會回歸到合埋水平。而09-19年的升幅至泡沫形成,很大程度是由於宏觀經濟因素。時間回到了08年,美國經濟因樓市泡沫爆破及銀行危機經歷了戰後最嚴重的衰退,於是聯儲局把利率大砍至零,還推了三輪量化寬鬆政策(QE)把長債利率壓低。再加上中國同時推出4萬億救市措施,令大量資金湧入香港。風水輪流轉,97年香港經濟大大鑊,美國經濟欣欣向榮,美國加息令香港經濟雪上加霜。而08年今次就到美國經濟大大鑊,而香港雖然受影響,但根底相對隱健(銀行和家庭財務在安全水平以及樓價處於合理水平沒有泡沫)。就如一個患重病人要吃大量補品恢復,而另一個健康的人也逼著要吃補品一同補身。在相對經濟隱健之下,接受極度刺激性的貨幣政策,令香港的真實利率在09-19年長期維持負水平(Picture 3)。令香港樓市轉入正循環。Easy Financial Condition(低真實利率),Good Economic performance (經濟相對穩健),Housing Sector(樓市上升及負利率鼓勵家庭舉債買樓)三項因素又再一次互相影響發揮作用。由於篇幅太長,我將會分兩篇文章去解釋整個預測。



2015年6月24日 星期三

Europe Stock market on the right track

Europe Stock market on the right track

        DAX make an over 10% correction since April due to sudden sell off of Bund. I expect Europe stock market had resumed the rising trend by observing several indicators. Trader should not overlook it and trade on this trend.

        Figure 1: DAX underwent over 10% correction.

Source: Barchart.com

        Figure 2: Percentage of DAX stock over 50 day moving average hit a oversold level.

Source: IndexIndicator.com

        Figure 3: The reward to risk ratio is high after a 10 correction in DAX.

Source: Nautilus Research

        Figure: 4: Sentiment towards DAX also hit a pessimistic level.

Source: Animux

        Figure 5: Europe still have a impressive growth in next half of year.

Source: Nordea Market and Marcobond

        My takeaway is that oversold and pessimistic sentiment will trigger a impressive rally of Europe stock market. In addition, the fundamental is solid under easing environment and expansion phase in economy. 

2015年6月3日 星期三

Update on Bond

Update on Bond
                 Recent bond selloff makes a surprise on more investors. However, I expected and warned that in my previous post (here). In coming second half of year, we will entre cyclical reflationary phase in economy. It is time for last year global easing to take effect on demand and inflation. Bond and Commodity will underperform and outperform among asset class respectively. Bond start to approach oversold level so conservative investor can take some profit and trend follower can use some tools to prepare profit taking and find the opportunity to get into market after correction. It really depends on your trading and investment style.
Figure 1: Red line on iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF chart shows I am bearish on bond in my post on February.

Source: Barchart.com

                Figure 2: When bond yield rise with momentum, commodity and crude oil have an impressive gain. Economy is likely to entre reflation.

Source: Nautilus Research
                     Figure 3: US House price leads Core inflation and keep on the rising trend.

Source: Scottgrainns

                 Figure 4: Drop in Chinese yield will boost housing market and demand for commodity in second half of year.

Source: Nordea Market and Macrobond

                Figure 5: Although US data in first half of year is weak, the possibility of recession is still low so economy is not at risk at deflation triggered by recession.

Source: PFS group

                  Figure 6: COT data reveals Net Commercial position on 30 year Bond is close to previous high when bond is approaching an oversold level.

Source: Gavekal Capital

                    My takeaway is bond is approaching oversold and I prepare to take some profit in short term but bond yield still keep rising in inter meditate term. As a trend follower, I no longer predict what level bond yield will reach in future and see my technical tools to help me to take the profit.    

2015年5月13日 星期三

Bullish on Natural gas

Bullish on Natural gas
           Commodity had an impressive rebound since US dollar peak recently. For example, Crude oil rebound over 30% from the bottom. I think we can a reflation phase in economic cycle and commodity undergoes a cyclical bull market that created by global easing. However, some of commodities still are underperformed. One of example is Natural gas. I turn bullish on this asset and explain my rationale as follows.
            Figure 1: Natural gas had fallen over 50% since Feb 2014 and breakthrough a triangle pattern to build a bottom.

Source: Stockchart.com

            Figure 2 and 3: Crude oil had rebounded over 30% and the ratio Crude oil price to Natural gas is still high at historical standard. I expect Natural gas price eventually catch up the rise of Crude oil price.

Source: Stockchart.com and Ned Davis Research

            Figure 4: Hedger Long position (Smart money) reaches a record high. It means short covering in Speculator position is coming soon. It will fuel rally of Natural gas.

Source: SentimentTrader

            Figure 5: Market Sentiment hit an extremely pessimistic level. Most of bad news had been priced and rebound is expected to take place.

Source: SentimentTrader

           My takeaway is Natural Gas had started a cyclical bull market due to a waterfall decline, extremely pessimistic sentiment and ongoing reflation phase in economic cycle. A impressive rally is coming soon. 

2015年4月29日 星期三

Update on Euro......Rebound still on the way

Update on Euro......Rebound still on the way
                   I wrote a post (here and here) to explain why Euro is time to rebound but it had been keeping falling after that. It suggests that risk management is critical anytime in your trading life. Catching a falling knife is not my trading style and I am patient to wait a reversal to take a position. In this trade, I cut loss several times with discipline and control the loss. Even though my marketing timing is not perfect, I still have enough capital to make a mistake and follow the trend lastly. Euro formed a double bottom on April and breakthrough short term resistance at 1.10. At this moment, I expect Euro still have room to keep the rebound alive.
          Figure 1: Euro price chart with my call (Red line).

Source: Barchart.com

                 Figure 2: Euro sentiment still is at extremely pessimistic. There still is a room for investor get more optimistic.

Source: SentimentTrader

                 Figure 3: Commercial hedger still accumulate a significant long position on Euro. It means the rebound on Euro still is likely to be on the way.

Source: SentimentTrader

                 Figure 4-6: The latest credit data shows that the fundamental condition in Europe is improving.

Source: Danske Bank

                 Figure 7-8: DAX Index and 10 Year Bund start a correction. More stock and bond investors will close their position on hedge against Euro and it triggers a rebound on Euro. I expect a correlation of DAX and Bund between Euro tend to be negative.

Source: Bloomberg

          All in all, Euro rebound is further to go when sentiment is still at pessimistic and Fundamental factor is improving. In addition, over stretched DAX and Bund start to pullback. It also can fuel the rebound. So stay on the boat.

2015年4月23日 星期四

Update on Crude Oil

Update on Crude Oil
                    Now is the time to update on my pervious call in coming days. Firstly, I go though the call on long crude oil (post). In my previous post(red line on the figure 1), I say My bottom line is that Crude oil had been likely to reach a bottom and significant rally will take place. However, the rising trend tends to be unstable at the beginning after a waterfall decline. Bears and bulls fight against each other at this moment so the trend may fail to breakthrough several times so don’t forget a stick risk management in following the trend. .
                    Figure 1: My call on crude oil(Red line).

Source: Stockchart.com

Finally, Crude oil undergone a pullback to test previous Feb bottom and made a double bottom to resume the rebound over 30%. It raises the question: Is it the end of rebound? My answer is no.

Figure 2: The world economy keep improving when we see Manufacturing PMI diffusion index (It means the number of countries getting higher PMI than previous 1 month is more than that getting lower.). Demand for Oil is likely to keeping up.

Source: Gavekal Capital

                      Figure 3: US 5 year Breakeven Inflation Rate get convergence with rise of crude oil. Credit market view the uptrend of crude oil is not temporary.

Source: St Louis Federal

                         Figure 4: Crude Oil sentiment still is near pessimistic level. If investor is getting optimistic, it will fuel the rally of crude.

Source: SentimentTrader

                          Figure 5: On the contrary, US dollar still is at extremely optimistic level. I expect it will take a correction and favor the rally of crude.

Source: SentimentTrader
                               Figure 6 and 7: US oil production seems to begin to decline and inventory is likely to hit a peak.

Source: Bloomberg and Soberlook

                           My takeaway is that the rally of crude oil still is on the right track. Especially, the price refuses to hit new low when there are more bad news such as the record high inventory and Iran 5+1 negotiation. It is a bullish reaction to crude oil.