2015年1月30日 星期五

Financial Crisis and US dollar Pullback

Financial Crisis and US dollar Pullback
         I write the post (here and here) to explain the reason why US dollar is time to pullback. Now make some update on this topic. According to history, when financial crisis take place, US dollar tend to get weaker either in bull or bear market. It is because when Fed has a tendency to inject liquidity into market or ease monetary policy for containing the crisis; it leads to weaker US dollar as the largest reserve currency all over the world. You can find this pattern in Figure 1. Given current background, recently parabolic rally of USD may trigger the outflow of capital from emerging market and worsen the current account of some resources focused countries such as Russia and Canada. In addition, some indicators I will go though as follow reveal the risk is building up although SPX still is close to new high. Moreover, US dollar now is overbought, over optimistic and over stretched. Pullback may be immediate due to financial crisis.    

            Figure 1: We can observe in the history that USD gets weaker at the start of financial crisis.

Source: Nordea Markets

            Figure 2: BofA Merrill Lynch Irisk Indicator plunge dramatically recently to make a divergence.

Source: PFS Group

            Figure 3: Bloomberg Financial Condition Index also keep falling since mid 2014.

Source: PFS Group

            Figure 4: Canada and Australia LIBOR-OIS worsen in sudden. (Two countries also is facing the housing and debt bubble)

Source: PFS Group

            Figure 5: Russia CDS hit a new high and International Reserve Asset hit a new low.

Source: PFS Group

             Figure 6: Gold keep to rally regardless of the parabolic rise of USD and no longer follow the plunge of the commodity. Smart money may flow into risk aversion haven and expect Fed may ease monetary policy or at least postpone the rate hike to prevent crisis to spread.

Source: StockCharts.com

              My takeaway is that there are some signals that crisis may be coming soon. Fed is likely to ease to contain the crisis. This action will make USD weaker. However, USD will resume the bull market because the capital flow form other market into US economy after the crisis is contained.

2015年1月26日 星期一

Update on Euro

Update on Euro

            I write a post before that say Euro is time to rebound. Now make some update after ECB meeting. ECB launch a new QE around 60bn bond purchase last week higher than market expectation. Euro immediately tumbles to reflect this policy to fall by around 3%. However, I still persist in my call that Euro rebound is coming soon and this rebound can be over 5%.
             Figure 1: The latest Europe economic dates recently reveal the bottom is hit. Growth differentials start to tighten to promote Euro to rebound.

Source: Nordea Market and Macrobond
             Figure 2: According to previous QE, market is close to fully discount expectation.

Source: Nordea Market and Macrobond
              Figure 3: Euro is overdone to reflect the US/EMU monetary base.

Source: Nordea Market and Macrobond

              Figure 4: Euro is extremely oversold and 52 week of change of US dollar seemingly to hit a peak. US dollar faces a resistance.

Source: Kimble Charting Solution

              All in all, my call that Euro will have a significant rebound remain unchanged after EMU meeting. Almost all bad news for Euro is released and in addition, extremely pessimistic sentiment, oversold price reaction and improving Europe economy create a opportunity to long Euro to catch a short term trend. 

2015年1月20日 星期二

Watch out! The crowd stands on the one side of a boat----Euro.

Watch out! The crowd stands on the one side of a boat----Euro.                      
            The crowds standing on the one side of a boat cause a tragedy to happen. I see it in Euro speculation. Every day I read more article and news to update my market sense and find almost all analysts, bloggers and even central banker is bearish to Euro recently. Last week, SNB make a nuclear explosion on currency market due to the removal of the peg. SNB expect ECB that will launch a QE to fight deflation this week cause a large capital of inflow to CHF. ECB action will force to them to give up the peg. Most of people overlook there are some data which reveal Europe escape form economic slowdown. Sentiment is one of my indicators to trade and find the opportunity in market. I am now bullish to Euro but wait for some technical signal to catch the rebound such as moving average because catching a falling knife is not my trading style. 
            Figure 1: The latest COT data reveals the short position of Euro from speculators reach at extreme level larger than at Europe sovereign risk in 2010 and Fed launching ending QE in 2012.

Source: Nordea Market and Macrobond
            Figure 2: The public opinion towards Euro also hit the extreme pessimistic level.

Source: SentimentTrader

             Figure 3: Currency tends to hit the bottom after QE is launched according to the past market response. It is normal that market is a discounting machine  reflecting expectation before the news.

Source: Nordea Market and Macrobond

            Figure 4: EM-US 2 year yield spread is tightening. Euro is like to rise to eliminate the divergence.

Source: Nordea Market and Macrobond
            Figure 5: When the downtrend is formed and reaches the pessimistic level, all good news is often overlooked by the crowd. There are some indicators to reveal Europe economy had hit the bottom recently. M1 leading Europe PMI is rising in the past several months.

Source: Nordea Market and Macrobond

               Figure 6: Demand for Credit and Loans pick up in the ECB Bank Lending Survey. Europe is likely to escape from deflation spiral.

Source: Danske Bank

                 Figure 7: Europe tends to ease their loan standard to enterprise according to the ECB Bank Lending Survey.

Source: Danske Bank

                 Figure 8: Private credit leading GDP growth also is on the uptrend.

Source: Danske Bank
                 Figure 9: Various business sentiment indicators are improving since 2014.

Source: Danske Bank

                  Figure 10: On the other hand, US economy is time to take breather. ECRI Leading Index had fallen below negative territory.

Source: Dshort

                  To conclude, Euro rebound is coming soon when almost all bearish factors is discounted. I will take a counter trend attack if my highly sensitive indicators give the signals to long. Of course, stop loss with position is a must to control the risk. However, above analysis still cannot change my view that Euro cyclical bear market (or USD bull market) still is on the way. It only is a short term trade to catch the correction with market extremely sentiment.

2015年1月15日 星期四

Waiting for CAD……

Waiting for CAD……
           US dollar becomes a King in 2014 that rise by over 12% but each currency falls against it at various extent. Now, US dollar is over stretched according to more indicators. I expect it need to take a breather to resume the trend (my view is US dollar starts a bull market and keep rising in the future 3 years). Following chart shows that EUR fall the most among currencies and JPY and CAD follows.

Source: Finviz
             A good currency pick like stock pick to beat major Index can get a higher return than to long Dollar Index only. My target currency to short is CAD against Dollar.
           Figure 1-3: All three indicators show US dollar is extremely oversold. Most Hedger takes substantial short position of dollar. 6 months rate of change hit a warning level and Public opinion is over optimistic.

Source: J. Lyons Fund Management and KimbleChartingSoultion

           Figure 4: Now let take a look at fundamental factor of CAD. Oil and Gas account for nearly a third of Canadian Non Housing Investment. Recent plunge of oil and gas will bring a negative impact to fixed investment.

Source: Sober Look

            Figure 5: In addition, Canada is the third largest aluminum producer all over the world. Recent fall of aluminum price also is not favorable to its economy.

Source: Sober Look

            Figure 6: Crude oil is highly correlated to Canadian Employment historically. Oil slump will trigger a fall in employment.

Source: Canaccord Grnuity

             Figure 7: As regards to personal finance, a rise in personal credit is faster than rise in disposable income for 14 years in a row. However, US personal finance had undergone a deleveraging for 7 years. Loan market had rise to a warning level.

Source: Deutsche Bank

             Figure 8: Canada economy risk at an overvalued housing market. Median house price to median household income in Canada is the highest in developed countries.

Source: Deutsche Bank

              Figure 9: The ratio of home price to income and that of home price to rent is above historical average by 35% and 91% respectively. A sign of a housing bubble.

Source: Deutsche Bank

               Figure 10: When 2 year Canada bond yield fall below the official of Bank of Canada, it is likely to continue falling in the future. Credit market reflects a weaker economic growth. (Orange line: When 2 year Canada bond yield and White line is official interest rate.)

Source: Bloomberg

                Figure 11: USDCAD still is undervalued in its long term history. A long term characteristic of most of currencies is that its cycle develops in a wide range. Not like stock market that its long term is uptrend, currency has a tendency to swing in a box extending a few years because few countries cannot outperform other countries in economic expansion forever due to various economic structures. Fundamentally, performance of one currency is the mirror of the economic performance of the country to that of other countries relatively. For example, USDCAD entered a bear market in 90s due to a secular bear market of commodity and entered a bull market in 00s because of a secular bull market of commodity. CAD still is below average level in the history even though recent plunge so it is expected that the bear market still has a long way to go.

Source: Bloomberg

                 Figure 12: Although CADUSD is now at a first stage of bear market, it is important and patient to take a position to follow the trend. There are more pullbacks, corrections and tests in a bear market so it is not time to get entry when CAD is oversold and over pessimistic. The chart shows more traders and investors are extremely pessimistic towards CAD.

Source: SentiemntTrader

                My takeaway is CAD will continue its downtrend in the futures several years due to housing bubble, plunge of oil and historical factor. Housing bubble bust is likely to be triggered by a fall in commodity price that leads a weaker fixed investment. However, it is not a good time to get entry because of over stretching I am still patient to wait for an opportunity to short CAD. Stay turned!!

2015年1月9日 星期五

Opportunity to Long gold

Opportunity to Long gold

           In 2014, US dollar returns as a King among currencies. It become a the most crowded trade. However, it is two sides of the same coin. Commodity face a relentless bear market and crude oil accelerate to plunge in recent month. Over stretched rise of US dollar lead to oversold in commodity. I expect US dollar will take breather in its secular bull market(my view is that US dollar will rally in future 3 years at least and write a article to explain my point.). It is time to prepare to catch the opportunity to rebound of commodity. I choose gold as my proxy of this view.

Figure 1: US dollar rally is getting stretched when looking at the 6 month ROC in its history. US dollar performance is disappointed in the following 1 year.

Source: J.Lyons Fund Management, Inc

Figure 2: The US dollar hedgers accumulate a considerate amount of short position that is time to trigger a price reversal.

Source: SentimentTrader

Figure 3: The latest ECRI weekly Leading Index which plunge to be negative predict strong expansion of US economy at 2H 14 is time to decelerate.

Source: Advisory Perspective

Figure 4: According to SentimentTrader, the opinion towards US dollar had reached extremely optimistic level. At the same time, US dollar rise to a 11 year resistence.

Source: KimbleChartingSolution

Figure 5: Gold had declined by over 35% in Nov 14 which is higher than the slump in the all bear market in average historically.

Figure 6: The option towards Gold had reached an extremely pessimistic level.

Source: SentimentTrader

Figure 7: The Gold vs Gold miner Ratio had reached the level that had not seen since 2000 when is the start of secular bull market for gold.

Source: Short side of long

Figure 8: Two Gold Miner ETFs had breakthrough the triangle to rally. It is a bullish sign for gold.

Source: KimbleChartingSolutions.com

Figure 9: Gold react to be relative strong to other commodities even though US dollar makes a parabolic rally recently. (The latest NFP released today and beat above expectation but US dollar response weakly and gold perform well).

Source: Short side of Long

Figure 10: Gold had breakthrough the declining triangle.

Source: Short Side of Long

               All in all, it is time to build up a long position on gold. Especially, its price pattern is favorable to rally. I will accumulate position if the price keeps to rally in the next few days. At the same time, stop loss is used to control the risk. This is typical trading style of trend follower. 

2015年1月8日 星期四

Can US Bull market be still alive this year since it started in 09?

Can US Bull market be still alive this year since it started in 09?
            As I make an analysis on the trend of the stock market, fundamental and technical factor also is used from various angles. It is pointless to hear that market is at risk to entre bear phase due to a signal reason such as valuation or breadth divergence. It often makes a wrong forecast. Rather, in my analytical tool on stock market, there are at least 9 forces to affect market since it is a complex mechanism. These forces include 1) Leading Indicator on Economy, 2) Employment, 3) Yield spread, 4) Credit Condition, 5) Liquidity, 6) Inflation Cycle, 7) Valuation, 8) Market Life and 9) Market Breadth.
1) Leading Indicator: Positive

Figure 1: The Conference LEI still keep on the uptrend.

Source: Conference Board

Figure 2: LED 6 month Rate of Change still is above 0 so it means the economy still is not at risk on recession

Source: Conference Board

Figure 3: 6 Month Diffusion Index still is at above warning level. (The latest reading: 80)
Source: Haver Analytics

Figure 4: Philly Fed Leading Index still is above warning level

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Philly

Figure 5: Philly Fed Coincident Index (1 Month Diffusion Index) on Nov is 84 above warning level. It shows most of states in US is expanding.
Source: PFS Group

2. Employment: Positive

Figure 6: The Conference Board Employment Trend still is on the uptrend.
Source: The Conference Board

3. Yield Spread: Positive

Figure 7: Treasury Spread: 10 yr Bond yield minus 3 month bill rate show the probability of US recession is still very low. However, this indicator should be used carefully. Since 2008, Fed use QE to control long term bond yield. Its policy may damage the predictability of this tool. In addition, deflationary force is strong after 2008 financial tsunami. Economy may fall into recession regardless of treasury yield spread that reflects contractionary monetary condition.

Source: New York Federal Reserve Bank

4. Credit Condition: Negative

Figure 8: High Yield Bond ETF (JNK) is underperforming Investment Grade Fund (LQD). Credit market no longer confirms a new high of S&P.

Source: StockChart.com

Figure 9: Bloomberg Financial Condition Index can’t confirm S&P rally. This divergence means some investor raise their risk aversion.

Source: Charlie Bilello

Figure 10: St Louis Financial Stress Index also divergent with S&P Index shown above.
Source: St Louis Federal Reserve

5. Liquidity: Positive

Figure 11: S&P keep to rally before start of rate hike
Source: Goldman Sachs

Figure 12: It shows stock market will be at risk to entre bear market after the last rake hike.
Source: Ned Davis Research

Figure 13: Fed Senior Loan Survey shows most of US banks still are loosening their loan standard.
 (Net Percentage of Domestic Respondents Tightening Standards for Commercial and Industrial Loans is negative) and demand for loan is rising (Net Percentage of Domestic Respondents Reporting Stronger Demand for Commercial and Industrial Loans). Liquidity still is ample in economy.
Source: Federal Reserve Bank

             However, indicators like yield spread above should be used carefully because market is affected adversely by strong deflationary force under a loosening monetary environment. 1937 bear market that partly was triggered by what Fed tightened the liquidity too early was a good example.

6. Inflation Cycle: Positive

Figure 14: The following charts show the historical performance of stock market under various inflationary environments. US economy stays at lower right hand column so it is good for bull market. (CPI: 1.32%)

Figure 15: Inflation still keeps at lower than its 5 year average so market is not at risk at inflationary force.

7. Valuation: Negative  

Figure 16: The chart below shows average of the Four Valuation Indicators look expensive at historical standard. However, don’t forget the valuation above average level can keep longer than you imagine.
Source: Advisor Perspective

8. Life: Neutral
           Market Life is like a man’s life. Everyone is close to death when he gets older. It can also imply to market that has its age. For example, a bull market which extends 8 years and gains over 300% has a higher chance to entre bear market (to die) than that only starting for 2 years and gaining 80%.
Figure 17: Current bull market only extend the average level at margin with the numbers of trading days and % of change.
Source: Chart of the Day

9. Market Breadth: Positive

Figure 18: There is a convergence between NYSE AD and S&P to make a new high. The internal breadth of whole market still is still healthy.

Source: StockChart.Com

Figure 19: AD line often leads the market to reach a peak.
Source: Lowry Research

Figure 20: Percentage of S&P stock above 200 days Moving Average also is a good indicator to monitor the topping process. If S&P make a new high but % of stock above is lower than 60, it is a warning signal that market will get into trouble. Around 80% S&P stock above 200 DMA at new high on Dec shows still a healthy internal of market.

Source: Chris Puplava

Figure 21: 52-week highs if Russell 3000 still takes control the new lows in recent correction. The internal momentum is favorable to bull market.
Source: Chris Puplava

Figure 22: Before 2000 market peak, the number of stock at 52 week lows took control of the market. 
Source: Chris Puplava

Figure 23: Like 2000 market peak, the number of stock at 52 week lows took control of the market before the market reached peak at 2007.
Source: Chris Puplava

               To sum up, after observing all these indicators, 1) Leading Indicator on Economy, 2) Employment, 3) Yield spread, 4) Credit Condition, 5) Liquidity, 6) Inflation Cycle, 7) Valuation8) Market Life and 9) Market Breadth, US economy is likely to keep on a expansion stage and loosening monetary environment and healthy internal of whole market can support bull market to be alive in the future 6 months to 1 year. However, divergence between the stock market and credit market is really a concern on recent rally. In addition, over 10% correction had not happened for over 3 years. We should be cautious of a dramatic correction at current level but I will take a long position if any pullback and correction happens in the future.